Yoga Classes Online
- Group yoga classes taught with a specific therapeutic focus.
- 6-week series format with most series offered 6 times a year.
- No make-up classes but single class option is available.
- Fees set to encourage enrollment in 6-week series.
- As enrollment builds, some classes may be offered twice a week for additional instruction.
- Individual consultation is recommended before initial registration and anytime your needs change – Consultation fees apply.

Cheryl with Dr. Loren Fishman at the Art of Living Retreat Center
Therapeutic Yoga Courses
Yoga students who want therapeutic feedback on their yoga practice must first schedule and complete an individual Consultation for Yoga in advance of class attendance.

Posture Fundamentals
Do you want better posture? Good posture boosts the efficiency of the body’s circulation and energy and optimizes weight-bearing in our bodies. This basic starter course breaks down everyday actions and postures into healthy habits built on sound alignment and proper body mechanics for standing, sitting, laying down, and bending. Fundamental knowledge for Cheryl’s other yoga courses and for life in general!
Check back for future course dates and drop-in options!

Different adaptations of the same pose (Uttanasana) for varying needs.
Variations of Setu Bandha and a restorative alternative.
Adaptive Yoga
Does pain or do other medical issues keep you from regular yoga classes? Do physical concerns or neurological conditions keep you from being more active? Try this slower-paced class ideal for those with mobility challenges. After a private consultation with Cheryl, Adaptive Yoga classes can get you moving with confidence in ways that are safe for your condition while gently pushing your limits toward balance, strength, flexibility and coordination in a supportive group class online. Props are strongly recommended. Initial Consultation required for those with medical conditions – Consultation fees apply.
Check back for future course dates and drop-in options!

Osteo Yoga
Do you want stronger bones to help slow down the effects of aging? Cheryl regularly trains with Dr. Loren Fishman in the Fishman Method of Yoga for Osteoporosis based on Dr. Fishman’s research study series Yoga v. Osteoporosis. Yoga poses shown to strengthen the bones are taught at varying levels of accessibility to suit people’s needs. In her classes, Cheryl carefully guides students seeking prevention as well as those with Osteopenia or Osteoporosis. Fracture-prevention focus for Osteopenia and Osteoporosis. Initial yoga consult required for those with medical conditions – Consultation fees apply.
Check back for future course dates and drop-in options!